Come ottenere la continuità territoriale in Sardegna: guida completa e consigli utili

How to Achieve Territorial Continuity in Sardinia: A Complete Guide with Useful Tips

Sardinia is one of the most beautiful regions in Italy, boasting breathtaking landscapes and a rich cultural heritage. However, one of the challenges that the island faces is the lack of territorial continuity, which can make traveling around the island difficult for both tourists and residents alike. In this article, we will explore the various ways to achieve territorial continuity in Sardinia, and provide practical tips to make your journey across the island as smooth as possible.

What is Territorial Continuity?

Territorial continuity refers to the ability to travel from one part of a region to another without any major obstacles. In Sardinia, this issue arises due to the island’s mountainous terrain and the inadequate infrastructure connecting different areas. This makes it extremely difficult for people to travel across the island, especially for those who do not have their own means of transportation.

How to Achieve Territorial Continuity in Sardinia?

To achieve territorial continuity in Sardinia, several measures have been put in place to improve the infrastructure and transportation options. Here are some of the ways to achieve this:

1. Improve Road Networks

One of the primary ways to achieve territorial continuity is to improve the road networks on the island. This includes constructing new roads, widening existing ones, and creating better links between different areas. The SS125, which runs along the east coast of the island, is one such example of a project designed to improve the road infrastructure.

2. Develop Public Transportation

Public transportation is an essential component of achieving territorial continuity, especially for those who do not have their own vehicles. The regional government has invested in the creation of new bus lines that connect different areas of the island, and have also introduced trains and ferries that provide better links between the mainland and the island.

3. Promote Sustainable Transport

Sustainable transport options such as cycling and walking can also help achieve territorial continuity in Sardinia. The island’s stunning landscapes provide an excellent opportunity for eco-friendly forms of transport, and many travelers are opting for these modes of transportation to explore different parts of the island.

4. Encourage Community-based Tourism

Community-based tourism is an excellent way to promote territorial continuity in Sardinia. This involves working with local communities to develop sustainable tourism initiatives that highlight the natural and cultural heritage of the island. By promoting tourism in this way, travelers can explore off-the-beaten-track areas of the island, and contribute to the local economy.

5. Use Technology

Technology can play a significant role in achieving territorial continuity in Sardinia. For example, applications that provide real-time information on transportation options, trip planning tools, and other digital resources can make it easier for travelers to navigate the island.

Useful Tips for Traveling in Sardinia

Now that we’ve explored the steps being taken to achieve territorial continuity in Sardinia, let’s look at some practical tips for traveling around the island:

1. Rent a Car or Scooter

If your budget allows, renting a car or scooter is the best option for traveling around Sardinia. This will give you the freedom to explore different areas of the island at your own pace.

2. Use Public Transportation

For those who do not have their own vehicles, public transportation is a reliable and affordable option for traveling around the island. The regional government has invested in new bus lines and ferry services that can take you to some of the most remote areas of the island.

3. Plan Your Trip

Before embarking on your journey, make sure to plan your route carefully. This will help you make the most of your time on the island and ensure that you don’t miss any must-see attractions.

4. Travel Off-Season

Traveling off-season can be a great way to avoid the crowds and explore Sardinia at a more leisurely pace. This is also a good way to save money on accommodation and transportation.

5. Pack Appropriately

Pack appropriately for your trip, ensuring that you have comfortable clothing, sturdy shoes, and sunscreen. Don’t forget to pack a water bottle and snacks for any long journeys.


Achieving territorial continuity in Sardinia is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. However, through the measures being taken by the regional government, and by adopting some of the useful tips for traveling around the island, visitors to Sardinia can enjoy a seamless journey across this stunning region. By promoting sustainable tourism initiatives and working together with local communities, we can help preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the island for future generations.


1. What is territorial continuity?

Territorial continuity refers to the ability to travel from one part of a region to another without any major obstacles.

2. Why is territorial continuity a problem in Sardinia?

Sardinia’s mountainous terrain and inadequate infrastructure make it difficult to travel across the island.

3. How can I travel around Sardinia?

You can travel around Sardinia by renting a car or scooter, using public transportation, or traveling off-season.

4. How can I pack for my trip to Sardinia?

Pack appropriate clothing, sturdy shoes, sunscreen, a water bottle, and snacks.

5. How can I contribute to sustainable tourism in Sardinia?

You can contribute to sustainable tourism in Sardinia by adopting eco-friendly modes of transportation, such as cycling or walking, and by supporting community-based tourism initiatives that promote the natural and cultural heritage of the island.

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