Crescita Personale e Mindest

Ecco come fare i migliori buoni propositi per l’anno nuovo: Consigli utili e idee originali

There’s something about a fresh year that ignites a spark within us; a spark that inspires us to set new resolutions and intentions for the year ahead. However, come February or even earlier, many of us fall short on these goals as they become unrealistic or seemingly unattainable. The good news is that setting successful resolutions is achievable with the right strategy and mindset. In this article, we’ll be discussing how to make the best New Year’s resolutions, with practical tips and original ideas to help you achieve your goals.

1. Define your intention

Rather than setting vague goals like “lose weight” or “save money,” focus on a specific intention. For example, instead of “lose weight,” try “incorporate more vegetables into my daily meals.” Instead of “save money,” try “track my spending and save a set amount each month.” Defining your intention will give you a clear path to follow and hold you accountable.

2. Be realistic

Setting goals that are too challenging or unrealistic can lead to frustration and disappointment. Consider your current circumstances and set goals that are challenging but attainable.

3. Make a plan

A plan of action is essential in achieving your goals. Create a roadmap with steps that you need to take to accomplish your goals. This plan could include breaking your goal down into monthly or even weekly targets.

4. Write it down

Putting your intentions and plan down on paper can provide a powerful visual reminder of what you’re working towards. It also serves as a reference point to hold you accountable and track your progress.

5. Visualize success

Visualization can be a potent tool in achieving your goals. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing achieving your intention, imagine how it feels to have succeeded, and hold onto that feeling.

6. Share your goals

Telling others about your resolutions can hold you accountable and provide motivation. Share your intention with close friends or family members and keep them updated on your progress.

7. Be patient with yourself

Remember that change takes time. Be patient and kind to yourself if you slip up or hit a roadblock. Don’t let one setback hold you back from achieving your goals.

Original resolution ideas:

1. Embrace minimalism and de-clutter your life. Start with one space, whether it be a drawer, closet, or entire room.

2. Strive for more conscious consumerism by participating in “No Spend” months or finding ways to cut down on single-use plastics.

3. Focus on mental health by starting a daily gratitude journal or practicing mindfulness techniques.

4. Learn a new skill or hobby, such as painting, playing an instrument, or cooking challenging recipes.

5. Prioritize self-care with a weekly spa day or indulging in a new book or film each month.


In conclusion, making successful New Year’s resolutions is an achievable goal. Start by defining your intention, being realistic, and creating a plan of action. Don’t forget to write your goals down, visualize success, share your goals, and be patient and kind to yourself. Lastly, consider incorporating original resolution ideas that align with your passions and interests. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to a successful and fulfilling year ahead.


1. What is the best way to stick to my resolution?

The best way to stick to your resolution is to create a clear and achievable plan of action. Write down your intentions and goals, and be specific about your steps towards achieving them.

2. How do I stay motivated throughout the year?

Stay motivated by regularly assessing your progress, treating yourself kindly, visualizing success, and celebrating your successes along the way.

3. What can I do if I’ve fallen off track with my resolution?

If you’ve fallen off track, don’t give up on your goals. Revisit your plan of action and make any necessary adjustments. Remember that setbacks happen, and it’s essential to keep moving forward.

4. How do I make my goals achievable?

To make your goals achievable, make sure they are specific, realistic, and measurable. Create a plan of action with measurable steps towards achieving your intention.

5. How can I incorporate original resolutions into my life?

To incorporate original resolutions into your life, consider your passions and interests. Experiment with new hobbies or prioritize self-care practices that bring you joy and fulfillment.

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