Business e Innovazione

Quando su WhatsApp c’è solo una spunta: tutti i segreti svelati

When Only One Tick Appears on WhatsApp: All Secrets Unveiled

Have you ever sent a message on WhatsApp and waited for a reply, only to see that there is only one tick next to it? This can be frustrating, and you might wonder why your message has not been delivered or read. But don’t worry, in this article, we will delve into all the secrets of one-tick WhatsApp messages.

Understanding the Different Ticks on WhatsApp

Before we dive in, let’s first understand the different ticks on WhatsApp. One tick means that your message has been successfully sent to the recipient’s phone, but it has not been delivered to their WhatsApp account. Two ticks, on the other hand, mean that the message has been delivered to the recipient’s WhatsApp account, but they have not yet seen it. And finally, two blue ticks mean that the message has been delivered and read by the recipient.

Reasons for Only One Tick on WhatsApp

Now that we know the different ticks on WhatsApp let’s look at the possible reasons why there is only one tick beside your message. Firstly, it could be because the person you sent the message to is not connected to the internet, or their phone is turned off. In this case, your message will be delivered once they connect to the internet or turn on their phone.

Another reason why there is only one tick on WhatsApp can be because you have been blocked by the recipient. In this scenario, your message will not be delivered, and only one tick will appear. However, if you think that you have been blocked, don’t jump to conclusions. It might be that the recipient has changed their phone number, and you need to update your contact list.

The final reason why there is only one tick on WhatsApp is that the recipient has deleted their WhatsApp account. In this case, your message will not be delivered, and only one tick will appear.

Tips for Dealing with One-Tick WhatsApp Messages

Although one-tick messages can be frustrating, there are some tips that you can follow to deal with them. Firstly, be patient and wait for the recipient to connect to the internet, or turn on their phone. If you think that you have been blocked, try contacting them through other means to confirm your suspicion. And finally, if your message has not been delivered for an extended period, it might be a good idea to resend the message.


In conclusion, understanding the different ticks on WhatsApp can help you deal with one-tick messages. Remember that one tick means that your message has been sent, but not delivered, and there can be multiple reasons for this. Follow our tips for dealing with one-tick messages, and don’t let them frustrate you.


1. Can I see if someone has blocked me on WhatsApp?
No, WhatsApp does not notify you if someone has blocked you. However, you can infer that you have been blocked if your messages are not delivered, and you see only one tick.

2. How long does it take for a message to deliver on WhatsApp?
The delivery time of a message on WhatsApp depends on several factors such as your internet speed, connectivity, and recipient’s online status. However, in general, a message should not take more than a few minutes to be delivered.

3. Can I delete a message after it has been sent on WhatsApp?
Yes, you can delete a message after it has been sent on WhatsApp. However, there is a time limit of seven minutes, after which you cannot delete the message.

4. Can I still send messages to someone who has deleted their WhatsApp account?
No, if someone has deleted their WhatsApp account, you will not be able to send them any messages.

5. Can I turn off read receipts on WhatsApp?
Yes, you can turn off read receipts on WhatsApp. Go to Settings > Account > Privacy, and toggle off the Read Receipts option. However, if you turn off read receipts, you will not be able to see when others have read your messages.

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