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When on WhatsApp there’s only one tick: what it means and how to fix it

When on WhatsApp there’s only one tick: what it means and how to fix it

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging apps in the world because of its simplicity, convenience, and reliability. It’s easy to use and allows us to communicate with our loved ones, colleagues, and even businesses at any time and place. However, have you ever sent a message on WhatsApp and only saw one tick and wondered why? In this article, we’ll explain what it means and how to fix it.

First, let’s understand what the ticks mean in WhatsApp. In general, there are three types of ticks in WhatsApp: the single gray tick, the double gray tick, and the double blue tick. The single gray tick indicates that your message has been sent, but it hasn’t been delivered to the recipient. The double gray tick means that your message has been delivered to the recipient’s phone, but they haven’t seen it yet. Lastly, the double blue tick means that your message has been delivered and seen by the recipient.

So, when you see only one tick beside your message, it means that your message has been sent, but it hasn’t been delivered to the recipient’s phone yet. There are several reasons why this happens. It could be due to poor network connectivity, the recipient’s phone could be off, or they could be experiencing some technical difficulties. But if you see one tick for an extended period, it could mean that the recipient has blocked you.

Now, let’s move on to fixing the issue. Here are some tips to resolve the problem when your messages don’t deliver:

1. Check your internet connection: Low internet connectivity is one of the most common reasons messages don’t deliver in WhatsApp. So, make sure that you’re connected to a stable internet network, whether it’s Wi-Fi or mobile data.

2. Reboot your phone: Sometimes, restarting your phone can solve the issue.

3. Clear your cache: Go to your phone settings, and clear WhatsApp’s cache from the app settings. This will free up some space on your phone, and it may help fix the delivery problem.

4. Check for WhatsApp updates: Ensure that you’re running the latest WhatsApp version. If not, update your WhatsApp app to the latest version from the App Store, Google Play, or WhatsApp’s official website.

5. Send a message on a different app: Try sending a message through a different messaging app like Messenger or Viber. If your message gets delivered, it means that the problem isn’t with your phone or network.

6. Contact support: If none of the above steps work, contact WhatsApp’s support team. You can do this by going to WhatsApp settings > Help > Contact us.

In conclusion, a single tick on WhatsApp doesn’t necessarily mean that the recipient has ignored or blocked you. It could simply be due to poor network connectivity or technical difficulties. By following the tips mentioned above, you can resolve the issue and ensure that your messages are delivered promptly.


1. Can the recipient still see my message if there’s only one tick?
– No, the message hasn’t been delivered to the recipient’s phone.

2. Can I tell if I’ve been blocked on WhatsApp?
– Yes, if you’re blocked, you won’t be able to see the recipient’s profile picture, status, or last seen.

3. Does WhatsApp’s server ever go down?
– WhatsApp’s server can occasionally go down, which can cause delivery issues.

4. Can I delete a message before it gets delivered?
– Yes, if the message hasn’t been delivered to the recipient’s phone, you can delete it.

5. Can I still receive messages if someone blocks me on WhatsApp?
– No, you won’t receive any messages from the person who has blocked you on WhatsApp.

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